
Terams Of Service

Welcome to use "Homedm" software and related services!

The User Agreement of "Homedm" software (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement" or "the Agreement") is an agreement between the user and the company on the user's registration, login, use (hereinafter collectively referred to as "use") of "Homedm" software and related services.

In order to provide better services for users, users are requested to carefully read and fully understand this agreement before using Homedm, especially the provisions concerning exemption or limitation of liability, rights licensing and information use, agreement to open and use special single services, application of law and dispute resolution. Among them, the exemption or limitation of liability clauses and other important contents need users to focus on reading. If the user is under the age of 18, please carefully read and fully understand this agreement with the legal guardian, and use the "Homedm" software and related services with the consent of the legal guardian.

If the user disagrees with this agreement, the company will be unable to provide the user with complete products and services, and the user can also choose to stop using. If the user freely chooses to agree or use the "Homedm" software and related services, it shall be deemed that the user has fully understood this agreement and agreed to accept the restrictions of this agreement and other agreements and rules related to the "Homedm" software and related services (including but not limited to the Privacy Policy) as a party to this agreement.

1、 "Homedm" software and related services

1.1 Users can obtain "Homedm" software by pre installing it or downloading it from a third party authorized by the company when using "Homedm" software and related services. If the user does not obtain the "Homedm" software from the company or a third party authorized by the company, the company cannot guarantee that the unofficial version of the "Homedm" software can be used normally, and the loss suffered by the user has nothing to do with the company.

1.2 The company may develop different versions of application software for different terminal devices, and users should obtain, download, and install appropriate versions according to actual equipment conditions. If the user no longer uses the "Homedm" software and related services, the user can also uninstall the corresponding application software.

1.3 In order to better improve the user experience and service, the company will provide the update or change of "Homedm" software and related services from time to time (including but not limited to software modification, upgrade, function enhancement, development of new services, software replacement, etc.), and users can choose whether to update the corresponding version according to their needs.

In order to ensure the security of "Homedm" software and related services and improve user services, after the "Homedm" software and related services are partially or completely updated, the company will prompt the user in an appropriate way (including but not limited to system prompts, announcements, messages in the station, etc.) when feasible, and the user has the right to choose to accept the updated version; If the user chooses not to update, some functions of the "Homedm" software and related services will be restricted or cannot be used normally.

1.4 Unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Company in advance, users shall not access or use the "Homedm" software and related services in any form, including but not limited to adaptation, reproduction, dissemination, vertical search, image or transaction.

1.5 The Company grants the user a personal, non transferable, non exclusive and non-commercial legal right to use the "Homedm" software and related services. All other rights not expressly authorized in this agreement are still reserved by the company. Users must obtain the company's written permission before exercising these rights. At the same time, if the company does not exercise any of the above rights, it does not constitute a waiver of this right.

1.6 Users can start using "Homedm" software and related services without registering, but some functions or services may be affected. At the same time, the user also understands that in order to enable the user to better use the "Homedm" software and related services, and ensure the security of the user account, certain functions and/or certain individual service items will require the user to provide real identity information in accordance with the provisions of relevant national laws and regulations and log in before use.

2、 Account Registration

2.1 Before using the "Homedm" software and related services, users need to register a "Homedm" user account. Such user accounts should be registered using WeChat, mobile number verification or visitor mode. Users should register, log in and use mobile numbers that have not been verified in "Homedm" software and user accounts that have not been banned by the company according to this agreement. The company can change the way of account registration and binding according to the user's needs or product needs without notifying the user in advance.

2.2 In view of the registration method of the user account, the user agrees that the company will use the mobile phone number provided by the user or automatically extract the user's mobile phone number and automatically extract the user's mobile device ID for registration.

2.3 When users use it, the company needs to collect personal information that can identify users in order to contact users according to relevant laws and regulations, requirements of relevant government departments or competent authorities or other necessary circumstances, or provide users with a better use experience. The information that the company may collect includes but is not limited to the user's name, gender, age, date of birth, mobile phone number, ID card number, address, work information, hobbies, personal description, etc; The Company agrees that the use of such information will be subject to the restrictions of Article 4 on the protection of users' personal privacy information.

2.4 The user understands and promises that the user account set by the user shall not violate the national laws and regulations and the relevant rules of the company, and shall not commit any act that infringes the national interests, damages the legitimate rights and interests of other citizens, or is harmful to social ethics. The user account name, avatar, profile and other registered information and other personal information shall not contain illegal or harmful information, Without the permission of others, no account shall be opened in the name of others (including but not limited to fraudulently using others' names, names, font sizes, avatars and other ways that can cause confusion), and no user account of "Homedm" software shall be maliciously registered (including but not limited to frequent registration, batch registration of accounts and other acts). The company has the right to review the information submitted by users.

2.5 The user account of the user is limited to the user himself/herself. Without the written consent of the company, it is prohibited to give, borrow, lease, transfer, sell or otherwise permit others to use the account in any form. If the Company finds or has reasonable grounds to believe that the user is not the initial registrant of the account, the Company has the right to immediately suspend or terminate the provision of services to the registered account or cancel the account in order to ensure the security of the account.

2.6 The user shall be responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of the user account and password, and shall bear all legal liabilities for the activities of the user in the name of the registered account, including but not limited to all legal liabilities that may arise from any data modification, speech publication, payment and other operations conducted by the user on the "Homedm" software and related services. Users shall attach great importance to the confidentiality of their accounts and passwords and shall not disclose them to others under any circumstances. In case of any unauthorized use of the user's user account or any other security vulnerability, the user shall immediately notify the company.

2.7 When an account is lost or a password is forgotten, the user can appeal and request to retrieve the account or password in a timely manner according to the company's appeal channel. The user understands and acknowledges that the password retrieval mechanism of the company only needs to identify that the mobile phone number verified by SMS is consistent with the system record data, but cannot identify whether the complainant is a real authorized user of the account. The company specially reminds users to properly keep their user accounts and passwords. After using, users should exit safely. If the user has lost his/her account number or password due to improper storage or other irresistible factors, the user will bear the corresponding responsibility.

2.8 When registering, using and managing the account, the user shall ensure the authenticity of the identity information filled in when registering the account, and ask the user to use the real, accurate, legal and valid relevant identification materials and necessary information (including the user's name, e-mail address, contact telephone, contact address, etc.) when registering and managing the account. According to relevant national laws and regulations, in order to use some functions of the "Homedm" software and related services, users need to fill in real identity information. Users are requested to complete real name authentication in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and pay attention to updating the above related information in a timely manner. If the materials or information submitted by the user are not standardized or do not meet the requirements, the company has the right to refuse to provide the user with relevant functions, and the user may not be able to use the "Homedm" software and related services or some functions may be restricted in the use process.

2.9 In addition to self registering the user account of "Homedm" software, the user can also authorize the use of other software user accounts legally owned by the user, including but not limited to the company and/or its affiliated companies, as well as third-party software user accounts registered in real name to log in and use the "Homedm" software and related services, except for those restricted or prohibited by third-party software or platforms. When the user logs in and uses the aforesaid existing account, he/she shall ensure that the corresponding account has been registered in real name, and the relevant provisions of this Agreement shall also apply.

2.10 After the user completes the user account registration and login of the "Homedm" software and conducts reasonable and necessary authentication, the user can browse and modify the personal identity information submitted at any time. The user understands and agrees that the user may not be able to modify the initial registration information and other verification information provided at the time of registration for the sake of security and identification (such as account or password retrieval complaint service). The user can also apply for account cancellation. The company will assist the user to cancel the account after completing reasonable and necessary verification of personal identity, security status, equipment information, etc., and delete all information related to the user's account according to the user's requirements, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations.

3、 Content specification

3.1 The content mentioned in this article refers to any content created, uploaded, copied, published and disseminated by the user in the process of using "Homedm" software and related services, including but not limited to account avatar, name, user description and other registration information and authentication materials, or text, voice, graphics, video, graphics and text, etc. to send, reply or automatically reply to messages and related link pages, And other content generated by using "Homedm" software and related services.

3.2 The user shall not use "Homedm" software and related services to create, upload, copy, publish and disseminate the content prohibited by the following laws, regulations and policies:

3.2.1 Opposing the basic principles determined by the Constitution;

3.2.2 Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity;

3.2.3 Damage to national honor and interests;

3.2.4 Inciting national hatred and discrimination and undermining national unity;

3.2.5 Those who undermine the national religious policy and promote heresy and feudal superstition;

3.2.6 Spreading rumors, disturbing social order and undermining social stability;

3.2.7 Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crime;

3.2.8 Insult or slander others and infringe upon their legitimate rights and interests;

3.2.9 Those who fail to comply with the "seven bottom lines" requirements of the bottom line of laws and regulations, the bottom line of the socialist system, the bottom line of national interests, the bottom line of citizens' legitimate rights and interests, the bottom line of social and public order, the bottom line of moral ethics and the bottom line of information authenticity;

3.2.10 Information containing other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations;

3.2.11 If the user violates any of the above rules, the company has the right to delete the content published by the user or stop the illegal user account.

3.3 Users shall not use "Homedm" software and related services to create, upload, copy, publish and disseminate the following content that interferes with the normal operation of the company and infringes the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties:

3.3.1 Containing any sex or sexual implication;

3.3.2 Contents of abuse, intimidation and threats;

3.3.3 It contains harassment, junk advertising, malicious information and deception information;

3.3.4 Involving others' privacy, personal information or data;

3.3.5 Infringe others' reputation right, portrait right, intellectual property right, trade secret and other legal rights;

3.3.6 Other information that interferes with the normal operation of "Homedm" software and related services and infringes the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties.

3.3.7 If the user violates any of the above rules, the company has the right to delete the content published by the user or stop the illegal user account.

4、 Use Rules

4.1 Any content transmitted and published by the user in or through the "Homedm" software and related services does not reflect or represent, nor shall it be deemed to reflect or represent the views, positions or policies of the company, for which the company does not assume any responsibility.

4.2 The user shall not use the "Homedm" software and related services to:

4.2.1 Submitting and publishing false information, or misappropriating others' avatars or materials, posing as or using others' names;

4.2.2 Forcing and inducing other users to follow, click the link page or share information;

4.2.3 Fabricating facts and concealing the truth to mislead and deceive others;

4.2.4 Establishing false accounts in batches by technical means;

4.2.5 Engaging in any illegal or criminal activities by using "Homedm" software and related services;

4.2.6 Making and publishing methods and tools related to the above behaviors, or operating or disseminating such methods and tools, regardless of whether these behaviors are for commercial purposes;

4.2.7 Other acts that violate laws and regulations, infringe the legitimate rights and interests of other users, interfere with the normal operation of the company or the company does not expressly authorize.

4.2.8 If the user violates any of the above rules, the company has the right to stop the user account violating the rules.

4.3 The user must be fully responsible for the authenticity, legality, harmlessness, accuracy, effectiveness, etc. of the information transmitted by using "Homedm" software and related services. Any legal liability related to the information transmitted by the user shall be borne by the user, and has nothing to do with the company. If any damage is caused to the company or a third party, the user shall make full compensation according to law.

4.4 The services provided by the Company may include advertisements, and users agree to display advertisements provided by the Company and third-party suppliers and partners in the use process. Except as expressly provided by laws and regulations, users shall be responsible for the transactions conducted according to the advertising information, and the Company shall not be liable for the losses or damages suffered by users due to the transactions conducted according to the advertising information or the content provided by the aforesaid advertisers.

5、 Account management

5.1 The user is responsible for keeping the security of the registered account information and the account password properly. The user may be subject to the theft of his/her account or password due to improper storage, and the user shall bear the responsibility. The user needs to bear legal responsibility for the behavior under the registered account and password. The user agrees not to use the account or password of other users under any circumstances. The user agrees to notify the company immediately when he suspects that others use his account or password.

5.2 The user shall abide by the terms of this agreement, and use the "Homedm" software and related services correctly and appropriately. If the user violates any terms of this agreement, the company has the right to suspend or terminate the provision of services to the user account of the defaulting user according to the agreement after notifying the user. At the same time, the company reserves the right to withdraw the user account and user name of "Homedm" software at any time.

5.3 If the user does not log in or use the user account of "Homedm" software for one year after registering, the company can withdraw the account after notifying the user, so as to avoid waste of resources, and the adverse consequences caused thereby shall be borne by the user.

6、 Data storage

6.1 The company is not responsible for the user's failure to delete or store relevant data in the "Homedm" software and related services.

6.2 The company can decide the maximum storage period of the user's data in the "Homedm" software and related services according to the actual situation, and allocate the maximum data storage space on the server. Users can back up relevant data in "Homedm" software and related services according to their own needs.

6.3 If the user stops using the "Homedm" software and related services, or the "Homedm" software and related services are terminated, the company can permanently delete the user's data from the server. " After Homedm software and related services are stopped or terminated, the company has no obligation to return any data to users.

7、 Risk bearing

7.1 The user understands and agrees that the company only provides a platform for users to share, transmit and obtain information, and users must be responsible for all acts under their registered user accounts, including any content transmitted by users and any consequences arising therefrom. Users shall make their own judgments on the content in the "Homedm" software and related services, and bear all risks arising from the use of the content, including risks arising from reliance on the correctness, integrity or practicality of the content. The Company cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the user's behavior.

If the user finds that anyone violates this agreement or uses the "Homedm" software and related services in other improper ways, please report or complain to the company immediately, and the company will deal with it according to this agreement.

7.2 The user understands and agrees that the company reserves the right to unilaterally change, suspend, terminate or revoke all or part of the service content of "Homedm" software and related services due to the needs of business development, and the user shall bear this risk.

8、 Intellectual Property Declaration

8.1 The intellectual property rights of the content provided by the company in the "Homedm" software and related services (including but not limited to software, technology, programs, web pages, text, pictures, images, audio, video, charts, layouts, designs, electronic documents, etc.) belong to the company; The copyright, patent right and other intellectual property rights of the software on which the company provides "Homedm" software and related services are owned by the company. Without the permission of the company, no one is allowed to use (including but not limited to monitoring, copying, spreading, displaying, mirroring, uploading, downloading through any robot, spider or other programs or devices) the "Homedm" software and the content in related services.

8.2 The user confirms and agrees to authorize the company to act in its own name or entrust a professional third party to protect the rights of the content that infringes the intellectual property rights uploaded and published by the user. The forms of rights protection include but are not limited to: monitoring the infringement, sending the letter of rights protection, bringing a lawsuit or arbitration, mediation, reconciliation, etc. The company has the right to make decisions on rights protection matters and implement them independently.

8.4 The company provides technical support for the development and operation of "Homedm", and enjoys all rights within the scope of laws and regulations for all data and information generated in the development and operation of "Homedm" software and related services.

8.5 Under no circumstances should users privately use any trademark, service mark, trade name, domain name, website name or other significant brand features of the company, including but not limited to "Homedm" (hereinafter collectively referred to as "logo"). Without the prior written consent of the Company, the user shall not display, use or apply for the registration of trademarks, domain names, etc. of the foregoing logos in this article in any way, either alone or in combination, or express or imply to others that they have the right to display, use, or otherwise deal with these logos. If the user violates this agreement and uses the above trademarks and logos of the company, causing losses to the company or others, the user shall bear all legal liabilities.

8.6 The company owns the copyright or trademark rights of the graphics, words or their components involved in the "Homedm" software and related services, as well as other Homedm logos and product and service names (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Homedm logo"). Without the prior written consent of the company, the user shall not display or use the Homedm logo in any way or make other treatment, nor shall he indicate to others that the user has the right to display, use, or otherwise deal with the Homedm logo.

8.7 The intellectual property rights legally owned by the above and any other companies or relevant advertisers are protected by law. Without the written permission of the company or relevant advertisers, users shall not use or create relevant derivative works in any form.

9、 Legal liability

9.1 If the company finds or receives reports or complaints from others that the user violates the agreement, the company has the right to review and delete the relevant content, including but not limited to user data and chat records, and impose penalties on the violating account, including but not limited to warnings, account bans, equipment bans, and function bans, depending on the seriousness of the case, and notify the user of the handling results.

9.2 The user understands and agrees that the Company has the right to punish any user who violates relevant laws and regulations or this Agreement in accordance with reasonable judgment, take appropriate legal actions against any user who violates laws and regulations, and save relevant information to report to relevant departments in accordance with laws and regulations, and the user shall bear all legal liabilities arising therefrom.

9.3 The user understands and agrees that for any claim, demand or loss claimed by any third party, including reasonable attorney's fees, due to the user's breach of this agreement, the user shall indemnify the company, cooperative companies and affiliated companies, and keep them free from damage.

10、 Force majeure and other exemptions

10.1 The user understands and confirms that in the process of using "Homedm" software and related services, it may encounter risk factors such as force majeure, which may cause interruption of "Homedm" software and related services. Force majeure refers to unforeseeable, insurmountable and unavoidable objective events that have a significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, epidemics and storms, as well as social events such as wars, riots, government actions, etc. In case of the above situations, the company will try to cooperate with the cooperative unit at the first time to repair in a timely manner, but the company and the cooperative unit will be exempted from liability for the losses caused to users or third parties to the extent permitted by law.

10.2 "Homedm" software and related services, like most Internet services, may be affected by various security issues, including but not limited to user reasons, network service quality, social environment and other factors, such as harassment in real life caused by others using user information; Other software downloaded and installed by users or other websites visited by users contain viruses such as "Trojan", which threaten the security of users' computer information and data, and then affect the normal use of "Homedm" software and related services. Users should strengthen the awareness of information security and user data protection, and pay attention to strengthening password protection to avoid loss and harassment.

10.3 The user understands and confirms that the "Homedm" software and related services are at risk of service interruption or failure to meet the user's requirements due to force majeure, computer virus or hacker attacks, system instability, user location, user shutdown and any other technology, internet, communication lines, etc. The company will not bear any responsibility for any losses caused to users or third parties.

10.4 The user understands and confirms that, in the process of using the "Homedm" software and related services, there are misleading, deceptive, threatening, defamatory, offensive or illegal information from any other person, or anonymous or pseudonymous information that infringes the rights of others, as well as the behavior accompanying such information, and the company will not bear any responsibility for any loss caused to the user or the third party.

10.5 The user understands and confirms that the company needs to repair or maintain the Homedm platform or related equipment regularly or irregularly. If the service is interrupted within a reasonable time due to such circumstances, the company does not have to bear any responsibility for this, but the company should inform in advance.

10.6 The Company has the right to deal with violations or breaches of laws and regulations and this Agreement. This right does not constitute the obligation or commitment of "Homedm" software and related services. The Company cannot guarantee that it will find violations or breaches of laws and regulations in a timely manner or deal with them accordingly.

10.7 The user understands and confirms that the company shall not be liable for any loss caused by the quality defects of the following products or services provided to the user by the company:

10.7.1 Services provided by the Company to users free of charge;

10.7.2 Any products or services presented by the company to users.

10.8 In no event shall the Company be liable for any indirect, consequential, punitive, incidental, special or penal damages, including loss of profits suffered by users using Homedm software and related services (even if Homedm has been informed of the possibility of such losses). Although this agreement may contain contrary provisions, the full responsibility of the company to the user, regardless of the reason or behavior, shall never exceed the cost (if any) paid by the user to the company for using the services provided by the company.

11、 Change, interruption and termination of services

11.1 In view of the particularity of network services, the user agrees that the company has the right to change, interrupt or terminate part or all of the services (including charging services) at any time. If the Company changes, interrupts or terminates the services, the Company shall notify the users before the change, interruption or termination, and shall provide equivalent alternative services to the affected users; If the user is unwilling to accept the alternative service, if the user has paid the company any fees, the company shall deduct the corresponding fees according to the actual use of the service by the user and return the remaining fees to the user's account.

11.2 In case of any of the following circumstances, the Company has the right to change, interrupt or terminate the free services or fee based services provided to users without any liability to users or any third party:

11.2.1 According to the law, the user should submit true information, but the personal data provided by the user is not true, or inconsistent with the information at the time of registration and fails to provide reasonable proof;

11.2.2 The user violates relevant laws and regulations or this agreement;

11.2.3 According to the requirements of laws or competent authorities;

11.2.4 For safety reasons or other necessary circumstances.

12、 Other

12.1 The validity, interpretation and dispute resolution of this agreement are applicable to the laws of the People's Republic of China. If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable due to its conflict with the laws of the People's Republic of China, these provisions will be re interpreted as close as possible to the intent of the original provisions of this Agreement, and other provisions of this Agreement shall still have full force and effect.

12.2 In case of any dispute or controversy between the user and the company due to this agreement, both parties shall try to solve it through friendly negotiation; If the negotiation fails, the user agrees to submit the relevant dispute to the people's court with jurisdiction where the company is located.

12.3 In order to provide users with better services or adjust national laws, regulations and policies, the "Homedm" software and related services will be updated and changed from time to time, and the Company will amend this Agreement from time to time. These amendments constitute a part of this Agreement. After the agreement is updated, the company will issue an updated version of "Homedm" software, so that users can know the latest version of this agreement in time. If the user continues to use the "Homedm" software and related services, he/she agrees to accept the revised contents of this agreement. If the user has any objection to the modified terms of the agreement, please immediately stop logging in or using "Homedm" software and related services. If the user continues to log in or use the "Homedm" software and related services, it will be deemed that the user recognizes and accepts the modified terms of the agreement.

12.4 Any provision of this agreement is invalid or unenforceable for whatever reason, the remaining provisions are still valid and binding on both parties.

12.5 The headings in this Agreement are only for convenience and reading, and do not affect the meaning or interpretation of any provisions in this Agreement.

12.6 The user and the company are independent subjects. In any case, this agreement does not constitute any form of express or implied guarantee or condition of the company to the user, nor does it constitute an agency, partnership, joint venture or employment relationship between the two parties.